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šŸ„°Truly Blessed for Healing ReceivedšŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø

Naomi Gaia

Namaste Beautiful Family listening and tuning in here today šŸ’–! I hope life is so well for you! And if you happen to be working through some shadow times, may you feel the positivity through the rough waters and be healed from trauma and make it out through to the other side. I am actually here this evening to tell you about a blessed healing gift that was bestowed on me by a very intuitive, kind, beautiful soul that I am excited to share with you.


Since my family's journey (my love, two fur babies and myself) has begun, I have held myself in a space of strong faith, genuinely free from doubt about where we are and for how long, doubt that money and physical needs we have will come in when they are needed, and keeping from the stress of it all. My faith is strong, but we do understandably have moments of "being realistic," and being sure we are putting the physical, mental, and visual work behind our manifestations to come to us. So lately the discussion has arisen between my partner and I about the physicality of things; have we been in our current location longer than we need to be, he has been unable to find work to bring in the income to build up our savings from the costs it took to get here and to be able to be stress free in moving to our next destination with the costs that comes with while I continue to blossom into my gifts and slowly begin to earn a living helping heal people, so is it time to take what money we do have and get to a new destination where work will be more bountiful before we run out, where will our next destination even be, what needs do we have to purchase and take care of so we are fully prepared to be on the road, subjects such as these.

With my partner's will and blessing, I reached out to many of the friends and soul family member's I have met along the way of my life's journey thus far in regards to our current life circumstances, and was profoundly blessed to find all that we have received in return! For those who did not have direct solutions or advice for the moment, they have kept us deep in their hearts and prayers which goes deeper than a lot of things, along with the profound sessions we have been gifted. One of these profound gifts that we couldn't be more grateful to be the recipients of; our beautiful time connected through webcam consisted of the intuitive perspective and guidance of Aleah once our energies connected, we were then journeyed through one of the most spectacular meditations directly from her that took me personally to places of great depth, and gave me the ability to dive physically deep inside to reflect on all of my chakra's, all of my inner workings to reflect, observe, and clear out many things that no longer serve me that were still hiding around. It was such a profound experience, that within as little as an hour or a little more, my perspective, my energy field, my physical feelings of stress and heaviness were released and understood more.

This was our and my very first session with Aleah who is so very gifted. She does have a website up for who she is, her true purpose in this life, and the intentions she has for them. Her gifts are so profound, and truly is such a kind, caring, blessing of a person. I would highly recommend any communication with and space shared with this beautifully talented woman!

Below I am placing a link for her website so that you may seek out and experience for yourself, which I so sincerely hope that you do. She has made worlds of a difference for myself individually and for my partner.

šŸ’œšŸŒ¹šŸ’œI thank you so much sistar love for all you are, and for all you give. May you be blessed sweet Aleah Cheri, BSN, RN šŸ’œšŸŒ¹šŸ’œ



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