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🌚🌹The Sacred Awakening Of Moon Blood🌹🌚

Naomi Gaia

***Photos By Laura Carmody, Creator of Priestessing the Paradigm Shift.Com***

First and foremost I want to offer huge gratitude to Laura Carmody, Graell Corsini, and so many other deeply ahhmazing and inspiring women full of knowledge I have met through the sacred community of The Goddess Temple of Ashland. It is through you I have to thank for all of the experiences, knowledge absorbed, and soul awakening activation I have had the blessing of growing through. I went so very very long without community, and I'll never forget the moment Laura looked into my eyes and said "Welcome Home." Those few words that made my soul shiver, and my eyes swell with tears of emotions you feel when you realize you have arrived at home when you've been through moments you weren't sure you had a home or a true community like you, understanding and accepting of you.

The very first time I attended a community gathering at The Goddess Temple of Ashland, it was for a "Red Tent Sister Circle." I'll admit I had my small reservations at first, but felt profoundly at home, and comfortable. Back then I was unaware of the blood mysteries and all of the healing that it carried with it. I was unfamiliar with what our moon blood meant, the connections it held, and of any of the rituals and blood divination's that very much do exist.

***Photos By Laura Carmody, Creator of Priestessing the Paradigm Shift.Com***

Through the creative expression and my own personal blood offerings, I have bonded with deep self love, fulfillment of giving back to Mother Earth as she gives to me SO much, sacredness, soul shifting experiences, and so much more. Everyone has their individualistic ways of devotion, ritualism, celebration, meditation, and self discovery. I have always felt you must genuinely try something in order to develop a true understanding and opinion on the matter. As odd as I too felt the blood mysteries and rituals were when first discussing it, I can honestly stand before you today and proclaim that it has been truly bonding for me in so many ways.

I would like to bring you to the deep magick and knowledge that Laura Carmody has on these sacred subjects and so much more, as she travels and shares this knowledge and many experiences to bring us all deeper to ourselves, to our higher powers, and to our communities of sisters all around the world. I hope you will step forward with an open mind and open heart as I direct you to her website. Please take your time exploring all of her offerings, blog posts, and events.

Below I am posting photos of my very first Blood to Mama Earth Gaia connection I've ever experienced. I have been wanting to share this connection with the great mother for quite some time, and I have finally found the space and time to gift myself this powerful practice. Words cannot nearly describe the connection, the downloads as well as uploads of ancient information, and so so much more that I have gained and experienced through these sacred expressions. Be Blessed in all that you do.

~For The Greater Good Of All, And With Harm To None, So Mote It Be.~

~I was able to be conscious in my self love, with food, and tools for messages, and my Book Of Shadows to express in, and of course water to hydrate with. My sacred space~



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