It's been a little while now that I've been being called to doing some personal research to deepen my knowledge on the many different Gods and Goddesses. I can sense the feelings stirring deeply inside letting me that know how helpful it will be to me in my life, through all the challenges I personally face, to educate myself on the lives of these beings who have walked, and breathed, who have traveled through space and time, and have made it through their own obstacles and so much more.
A Little Background:

Many many years ago when I first began on my journey of learning all about Wicca and it's spiritual beliefs and "guidelines" if you will (the beautiful thing I find about the Wiccan path is that there is no specific one book outside of "The Wiccan Rede" to follow, or be damned by if and/or when you step outside of those specific outlines. Each person is free to practice and discover what truly is right for them, so long as you ever mind "The Wiccan Rede" and the rule of three), was the explanation of calling upon the Gods and Goddesses to work with you, to ask them to practice with you, to teach you, to help guide you in what worked so well for them in their many triumphs as to try those methods out for yourself and find what works best for you. To be open minded to receiving any and all guidance on what they know now, especially that they may not be physically held to the "3d plain" (any longer as we currently are), but vibrate among many powerful frequencies and perspectives. As I continued to read further and absorb more knowledge just as a sponge would to water, being fully present as well thirsty for the unknown yet to discover, I allowed all of the words

to seep through my mind. I allowed myself the time, space, and contemplation to check in with my higher self (at that time not knowing exactly the name to call the process I was using), and found myself feeling not so alone in the world anymore. I felt warm, as if I was being embraced by such love and hugs that they eyes could not see, but the spirit knew without a doubt were there holding me. Especially now reflecting on that time period in my life, I suddenly felt so free, and as if I was finally putting words to my inner most knowing, as if I had the weight of a baby elephant released off my back. All the learning I was diving into was certainly a very different approach than I had ever heard of before. The pictures painted in my mind during moments of contemplation showed me calling down a particular God or Goddess to hold my hand and be present with me, and to help lend their energies to intentions I set forth, felt so natural to me in a way I'd never felt before.
Moving on to today:
I truly do believe that everyone has their own ways of what works and does not work for them, and it is most likely vastly different from any other individual. I like to celebrate and understand diversity, instead of allowing it to completely divide myself from the other person. So I now dive into my learning, and expand my imagination and understanding even more as I prepare to dive into these stories I am about to embark on. I now open myself up, and allow my intuition to guide me through all I will read and learn, and guide me in the directions towards what I will take or leave from it all.
Blessed Be your journey, and all the pit stops along the way. May it be celebrated by those around you and not judged or encouraged to be another way. May you stand strong in what you believe, and hold courage for that which you wish to seek out.
**Merry Meet and Merry Part. And Merry Meet Again. An Ye Harm None, Do As Ye Will**
