My love and I are not always strictly vegan, but I do my best to stay as whole food plant based as I can for my health and longevity. I also feel deeply that all you put into your being helps promote or decrease your clarity on many levels. This day was SUPER delicious! My love made for us some tofu ( I have been loving the way he lightly fries it up in a pan, it's been super yummy, keeping a real good texture so it's not all just mush and soaking up good flavors), a delicious vegetable mixture of onion, broccoli, lima bean, baby corn, red bell pepper, carrot, and some mushroom cooked down by themselves in some vegan butter (I believe we got one of those frozen stir veggies~gotta do what you gotta do :) We have a need of shopping on a budget a little bit), added some yummy red sauce atop our gluten free noodles. It was sooo yummy. Sometimes the basics are the most delicious things to indulge in.
Cheers to lacing all of your love and intentions into your food when you perform the magick that is commonly known as "cooking." You can do this by singing your chants while cooking, by envisioning the enrichment and health being absorbed into your body while you eat it, or envision how happy and light it will make you feel. When it comes to any spiritual practice, I believe that every single person your talk to, every different book you read, will all have their own styles. It's important to try out many different things to find what fits you best and truly, or what may organically develop that has not been described by anyone but fits you perfectly.
