Today I woke up to an email I read through that lead me to a beautiful reminder of perspective, as well as quite honestly a craving to be up in a tree, allowing my skin and body to breath in the freshness and clarity of oxygen released from the leaves. To all of my beautiful friends in the beautiful state of Oregon, and everywhere else where forest and nature is in abundance, I encourage you to take yourself to that sacred place at a different physical viewpoint that we may not be at every day. Sit in silence, truly observe the world around you. Perhaps you'll be able to examine people, animals or things on the ground below that are unaware of your presence; what a blessed moment.
Please enjoy the beautiful writing from Madisyn Taylor below XO

Tree House
Written by Madisyn Taylor
"A new view of a situation is just what we need to answer a difficult question, or see something we've been missing.
There is no greater way to escape the troubles of daily life than to ascend into the welcoming embrace of a tree house. Like a bird in its nest, we feel held and safe in the branches, cloaked within a curtain of green leaves. Here we can breathe more freely and think more clearly, our hearts and brains fed by the oxygen released by the leaves. We float above the everyday world of the ground, enjoying a bird's-eye view of all that remains below.
We may choose to be alone or we may invite a special friend to join us. Either way, this is our private world in which we get to decide who comes and goes. It is our haven where we can fully be who we are, shed the masks required by the world below, and reveal our most hidden secrets, dreams, and desires. It is also an ideal vantage point on the life that continues below the branches. Often, a new view of a situation is just what we need to answer a difficult question, solve a challenging problem, or see something we've been missing. It is as if we have ascended into the heavens and are able to tap into a higher awareness. We can draw on this airy energy to revitalize us, relax us, and feed us new ideas. When we descend, we are ready to enter the world again, cleaner, clearer, and often more inspired.
If you haven't been in a tree house for a while, now may be the time to make one for yourself or find one you can borrow. If you can't find or create an actual tree house, think of other venues that could provide the same experience--a rooftop perch, a quiet spot in a grove of trees on a hilltop, a light-filled attic. Or just close your eyes and visualize yourself ensconced in your perfect home in the branches of your favorite tree."
