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🧗‍♀️Short Hike To Juniper Flats Apple Valley CA🧗‍♂️

Naomi Gaia

Coming from being in Southern Oregon for so long, there were SO many hiking trails around. Between Medford, Talent, Ashlandia, and even if you made further trips to Umpqua or Roseberg area, you are always surrounded by awesome hiking trails. The issue then seemed to be whether I was going to get my butt up and get to them or not, but never that it was difficult to find one LOL. To my pleasant surprise I have found a few great trails here in the high desert.

The most recent of these hikes I found in the hills of Apple Valley California. Google calls it "Bonita Vista Hiking Trail." When you get to the spot (or should I say make it up to the spot. The dirt uphill to get through was only not so difficult because I've got a truck. There were big chunks of the ground taken out, and I can't imagine that a car would make it up. Luckily I made it up, as it seemed you'd be oddly parked in front of someone's house if you were not to make it up to the trail head entrance where I was able to park), the first thing you see is a sign for the trails listed as "Juniper Flats." We decided to take a path a little more directly up to a lookout point rather than taking the trail that may have begun a bit more flat before inclining slowly. It was really great to be up at such a vantage point to really see and feel some of the vastness of the desert.

My lil' Emma Bear is always so incredible hiking and going on different adventures, always surprising me with how well and confident she can climb over what seem like the most difficult rocks and spots sometimes. She is always full of energy and ready for anything. I love that girl so much. I actually can learn so much from her. 🐾💝🐾💝🐾💝🐾

Enjoy the photos Below!

🚵‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ HAPPY TRAILS EVERYONE! NAMASTE 🏄‍♀️🏄‍♂️🚵‍♂



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