Today seemed the absolutely perfect day to go on a personal mini-pilgrimage just for myself. The weather was overcast, lightly raining most of the day, the magick of the mist and strong presence of Mother Earth all around me was truly inspiring and penetrating.
**I post the photos of me especially as I felt so personally judgmental of myself and initially felt I "looked awful." May we always feel beautiful and accepting of ourselves just as we are, just as we are meant to be**

In the past I've allowed myself to not pursue adventures that my soul has loudly cried out for, that my entire being was pulled to indulge in, yet I had no one to go with me; and when I exhausted all friends and acquaintances that did not want to accompany me, I would just not go all together. I was held back in those times for various reasons; allowing fear to grow larger than my need to go (this would consist of things such as "what if something happens to me while alone, what if another human I cross paths with mean to harm me in some way and I am alone")....I am realizing as I write this out, that actually the example listed above seems to be mostly the only reason that used to hold me back. It's such a sad thing for a woman or any human to be fearful of not pursuing that much needed adventure, pilgrimage, self-fulfilling time due to fear of any kind (as there appear to be so many to consider and possibly obsess on nowadays).
By working through these moments, by not allowing those fears we hear in our minds grow to a size large enough that they outweigh our drive, confidence, comfort, determination, and self fulfilling intentions, we realize just how capable we are of pushing through to the other end successfully. Just as the butterfly absolutely needs the struggle and challenge it takes to physically make it's way from the cocoon, we must travel through the fear, second-guessing, challenges, and doubts to make it through to our goal.

I work on this more and more, as I (along with us all) remain in this human experience, and have intentions on overcoming the things that may attempt to get in my way of what I positively hear my soul calls for. On this trip, I was actually so proud of myself for following through with knowing how important it was that I have this time alone, rather than seeking out anyone else to accompany me. I have grown such a deep appreciation for these pilgrimages, and many other moments that is needed to experience alone, and not holding onto guilt or regret of saying "no" to being joined by another. It's not that I am upset with anyone, or even against someone else in any way at all for my reasons of being alone...... it's simply needed for each individual to have sacred moments to hear what you need to hear, and feel just what you need to feel......alone; for it would not be the same if you were in the company of another's energy.
I began my journey with no expectation of time or miles I would put in, or any specific plan at all. I went to the place I was called to, and was sure to follow all directions my higher self guided me towards.
I ended up with a surprising 8 mile journey this day. Many moments were absolutely breath taking, and I internally felt/heard in a lot of those sights to withhold from taking any photos, as I would love to encourage everyone to take this journey for yourself in person, and experience the sacredness of this magickal place on your own. With crossing over 10 waterfalls all together, I cannot fully put into words how deeply moving all the sights and energies were of these sacred grounds. Along the many paths I walked here, I paid very close attention to the earth, the trees, the plants around me; I kept my mind open to hearing their needs and requests of me, as well as what was important for me to sacrifice to them. Some of them craved only a touch, some needed bonding to me through the sharing of my cells (saliva), and some through different types of dna (hair). It was INCREDIBLY bonding and freeing for me to be able to so clearly hear and fulfill these requests that were asked of me. I felt at home, intertwined with the Gods and Goddesses of the lands, waters, fires, and airs. I too had many spirits that have already crossed over from our physical Plaines and into the spirit realms accompanying me, watching over my walking journey. I felt each and every one of them as they travel on the same path just behind me, making me feel loved and watched over, and protected. I walked with great Native American spirits; one strong of Male on my right and one strong of Female on my left.
Through each and every waterfall I passed, I felt specific and strong emotions; each part of the water gifting to me different perspectives and messages as I journeyed on.
~~Blessed Be Your Self-Loving Acts As Mine Today Was Deeply Enriching For Me~~
**Please enjoy the photos I did take while here, and Blessed Be your incredibly journey should you choose to take it yourself**