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🦶🦶Journal Entry~The Little Steps Count, And Don't You Forget It💪💪

Naomi Gaia

Although I find the words above in a photo already created by someone else, those words also genuinely come from me to you. Soul Brother, or Sistar out there reading this! I am so grateful that you are alive, on this earth sharing growth with me, and pushing through all and any struggles and hardships that you are pushing through.

Just wanted to jump on here and share a quick awesome moment with you! Today, quite a bit happened in attempts to distract me from my goals and path, as well as test my reactions. I feel very proud of myself that I responded to both extremely well; I didn't allow myself to stay in deep anger from a physically confrontational situation, instead I came to a place of incredible gratitude, forgiveness, and sincere compassion towards my physical confrontation. I came from a situation a lot of people could and would legitimately rest the rest of the day from, yet I picked myself up, dusted myself off, released all emotions and energies, and continued my day's journey's without missing a beat. I accomplished all my days, including my Day 2 of my new 30 day challenge I began yesterday. Although I did not make it to gym, I completed my entire day 2, which was my 13 day total making it to working out! I certainly have not been perfect, there have been a lot of days I've missed, and times I could have eaten better, but I have not given up and have no plan to.

The little choices and changes I make here and there; the one more day I complete my workout instead of staying inactive, showing up for things instead of choosing to stay again, eating healthy in the moment instead of beating myself up for reflecting on doing maybe not so good the week before. Just because things are a work in progress, and sometimes even when it feels your going one step forward and two steps back, the more and more you make those little changes in the moment, however that looks for you, Your winning. Your getting up, your choosing more positive thoughts today, raising your vibration, and surviving to make it to another day. Give yourself credit where you deserve, and be kind and loving with yourself when surviving through another day and keeping your head above water.

So I fell a little behind on my body photo update that I was going to do once per month, so here is my updated photo ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤💖

I can't thank you all enough for being here, showing up for yourself, and caring for my thoughts and experienced. I hope witnessing my journey has helped you in any way.

~Much Love~Namaste~



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